Congratulations on your fine taste

Classical Concert Tees commemorate historic classical music events as concert merch.

These days, classical music is usually associated with formality and privilege.

You know the stereotypes. Chamber music in a
mansion. A fancy night out at the opera or the Hollywood Bowl. The philharmonic doesn’t play behind chicken wire at a roadhouse, or at a rave, or at a nightclub or a dive bar with sticky floors and drunk customers who f*ck in the bathrooms and fight in the parking lot.

But the DNA of classical music is punk. Rock. Hip hop. Creative rebellion.

Classical composers and performers were just as bananas – transformational, psychedelic, rebellious, genius, courageous, addicted, crazy, and endearingly human – as any modern
musician. They inspired audiences to look at life and the world differently. They took risks. They took drugs. They shared kindness, wisdom and ridiculous levels of talent. They made sick jokes and destroyed instruments onstage. They caused riots, got syphilis, and went deaf, blind, and insane. They also lit up crowds and entire nations. They changed the world.

Since all that happened before digital music distribution and social media, the most epic classical music memories are in our keeping. Each historic classical music event is our story
to tell.

Play it loud. WEAR IT LOUDER.